We, Meysey Technology Ltd, trading as Continual (with its direct and indirect subsidiaries, "Continual", "we", "us", "our"), are committed to improving our practices to combat slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chain. We do not tolerate or condone human trafficking or slavery in any part of our global organization or our supply chain.
This statement outlines how Continual seeks to ensure that its operations and supply chains remain free from slavery and human trafficking ("Modern Slavery"). This statement aligns with our internal Code of Conduct and our Handbook of Policies, expressing our firm commitment to protect and advance human dignity and human rights in our global business practices.
Our Structure
Continual is a software-as-a-service ("SaaS") security and compliance platform designed to automate compliance, risk, and vendor reviews with one integrated solution. Founded in 2023, we aim to protect consumer data by simplifying the implementation and verification of industry-standard processes and protections.
Meysey Technology Ltd, trading as Continual, has its headquarters in the United Kingdom.
Our Supply Chains
Our major suppliers typically fall into these categories:
- Hosting services providers and SaaS providers managing our data and customer data
- Third-party consultants for various services, including accounting, legal counsel, IT applications, security, and professional services
- Service providers for IT, travel, employee payroll, and maintenance
Modern Slavery Risks
We continuously monitor our supply chain to identify potential risks related to illegal activities and Modern Slavery. Our risk assessment is based on several principles:
- The nature of our services
- Rigorous human resource processes
- Limited use of outside contractors
- The nature of our largest vendors
- Geographic locations of engagement
Considering our operations and supply chains, we assess the Modern Slavery risk to be low.
Our Policies on Modern Slavery
Despite the low risk, we maintain appropriate policies to ensure no Modern Slavery exists in our supply chains or business. Our Code of Conduct reflects our commitment to ethical behaviour and integrity in all business relationships.
We have policies in place including:
- Whistleblower policy
- Workplace safety and security policies
Our management, overseen by our Board of Directors, monitors compliance with our Code of Conduct and enforces appropriate disciplinary measures for violations.
Due Diligence Processes for Modern Slavery
We provide regular training on our employee handbook and Code of Conduct. We will offer training to key sales and procurement team members on the importance of partner commitment against Modern Slavery. We have systems in place to protect whistleblowers.
Supplier Adherence to Our Values
We have zero tolerance for Modern Slavery. Our rigorous procurement process ensures compliance with our values and ethics, involving review and approval from Legal, Finance, Privacy and Security, and Procurement teams.
Our Effectiveness in Combating Modern Slavery
We use key performance indicators to measure our effectiveness, including:
- Number of whistleblower complaints
- Number of high-risk countries with employees
- Number of high-risk countries with suppliers
Contact Us
If you have any questions about this Modern Slavery Policy or our practices, please contact us at: legal@usecontinual.com